Chaos Devourer System - C.445: Mission: Devour The Origin!!!

Chaos Devourer System

C.445: Mission: Devour The Origin!!!

Chapter 445: Mission: Devour The Origin!!!

Smoke rose into the air, amidst the gigantic abyss that had been formed over 5 kilometers radius. The world has been reduced to ruins, the lands having fractured apart, and space furiously trying to repair itself only to get shattered once more than the destructive energy present in the air, a testament to the horrifying exchange of power that just went on a few minutes ago.

The thunderous clouds still lay there, the gigantic snake still rearing its head forward, yet, it has notably decreased in size, a mere hollow of its previous might.

Beneath the abyss that has been formed, one would see a figure, bowed on one knee, crimson splatter beneath his feet, his hair, a mixture of crimson and red color.

He kneeled there, both hands having disappeared and his tails having been severed completely leaving only a small stump left.

“Hahahahahaha…” A small chuckle escaped Zera’s lips as he closed his eyes and enjoyed that feeling. That feeling of satisfaction that comes from a battle against a being too high.

The feeling of having his hotly running blood finally came down to its normal flow. Rage was a mentally draining emotion and it had been weathered down by the satisfying exchange, yet when could see, the snake was beginning to stir and once again it opened its mouth, this time a ginormous lightning ball appearing in its gigantic maw, as it prepared to shoot down the last lightning strike it possessed.

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Zeras could see the thunderous crackle of lightning within the clouds quiet down revealing that the snake would no doubt never last once it released its final strike.

And when Zeras thought it was over, the system notification panel appeared, causing shock to appear on Zeras’s face before widening into a big evil grin

[New Mission Issued: DEVOUR THE ORIGIN!!!]


1.) +3 Level Up card

2.) A Divine Grade Element]

[Punishment: Death!]

[Important Note: Host still has one Rejuvenation card present from the last mission completion.]

[Would Host like to use a Rejuvenation card?]

The system asked as Zera’s eyes dawned in realization. He had almost forgotten that he was given a rejuvenation card after his battle with Roaryie. It was one of the cards he planned on using to fight Roaryie, but after he considered the battle a waste of his time, stopped and left instead, no longer needing to use the card.

And it seemed he had chosen right as the card had finally come to preserve his life.

“Yes!” Zeras roared out loud as his heart violently pumped furiously once more.

[ -1 Rejuvenation card]

[Congratulations, Host Hp has been completely recovered]

[Congratulations, All Host’s wound has been completely healed.]

Looking at him kneeling on the ground, with no arms and no doubt already spent, Jason knew well the battle had now come to an end. And it seems the Origin truly gets to keep its name as being undefeatable.

Yet, his hypothesis was once again shattered into pieces as he watched Zeras rapidly heal in an instant, new arms and tail tearing out from his body as his broken scales were molted off him and from his skin, a new one grew once more, this time looking stronger and even more orderly arranged.

“Activate Omni-ferrous morphing!!!” Zeras roared out in fury and instantly a single image magnified all over his head, which immediately got acted upon by his gene.

An image of a ten-thousand-meter-tall devil!!!


Lightning crackled explosively and finally, the origin wrath gathered all of its energy into one strike before letting it completely loose

“May You Be Condemned to Eternal Damnation with This Strike.”


“A mighty roar boomed out of Zera’s mouth and in the next second, his body instantly tore out of his cloth as he began expanding!

3 meters…

10 meters…

1000 meters…

4000 meters…

At his current height, the ginormous lighting ball was just like a tiny baseball and Zeras suddenly opened his abyssal maw and faced the sky…

5000 meters…

6000 meters…

9000 meters…

10,000 meters!!!


It was unbelievable, it was impossible, it was shocking to Jason as he watched how Zeras opened his maws wide, and in a single gulp, he directly gulped down the anaconda, which to his current size was now a tiny snake.


Jason could hear it, the screech of the origin’s wrath ringing out from Zera’s maw, yet he watched as Zeras cruelly bit down with his razor-sharp spike teeth, which were the size of entire pillars, and the so-called wrath of the origin was chewed to submission before getting swallowed.

Silence enveloped the space as Jason stood there dumbly, yet his eyes widened in absolute shock in the next second as Jason suddenly slammed to his knees and began hacking up blood.

Now that his tribulation has been devoured, he had been denied of the origin power and what followed was his cultivation dropping down

Peak Galaxy rank stage, …

Middle Galaxy rank stage…

Early galaxy rank stage

Late Cosmic Rank stage

Early Cosmic rank stage…

Late Meteor rank stage…

“My…my cultivation!!!” Jason roared out in shock and fury as he watched himself drop down from the Peak Galaxy rank stage to the Late Meteor rank stage.

This was something that had never happened before nor was it recorded in ancient history. But the same could be said that this was the first time in history that a person’s cultivation has been forcefully devoured.

This was the consequence of brutally failing his tribulation.

“It has been a century! A century of endless cultivation!!!” Jason forced out between his clenched teeth, as blood dripped down his eyes.

A century’s worth of hard work all gone in a Poof!

But another newfound horror washed over him as he felt that ringing sound and slowly raised his head. And there it was, the devil of his nightmares walking towards him.




It was the sound of approaching horror. The sound of an approaching Nightmare. The Footsteps of an Incarnation of Death!

